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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Your Wife's Mine!!! (English Version of "Tor Bou Amar")

Well....the idea...the concept...the naughtiness...the feel...all are my creations under this one title : Your Wife's Mine! This took shape during a regular discourse at the college canteen, probably at the start of my sophomore year. The characters, the backdrop, the events and most importantly, the hunsbands and the wives...all had been decided! Hell, we even created two to three episodes of this fictitious serial, just sitting back with coffee cups in our hands! What awesome days! This note is a dedication....a dedication to not only our "social" serials and daily soaps, but also a dedication to their contribution in generalizing and commonizing terms and events like plastic surgery, marriages/re-marriages, pregnancies, abortions, affairs...and the list goes on! At that time, I had thought that hey, if people love watching things for hours on the television highlighting these aspects as if they're our daily bread n butter, why not try an idea for myself? At least we'll have fun discussing them! :D

Just imagine...the kind of linguistic vagrances we use for the Western Society, simultaneously propelling our own culture and practices to the peak! Well, our usual claim is that they do not know what decency and stability is, and should learn from us. True! But is this applicable to all our aspects? I mean, if the Govenrment approved Censor Board can cut certain "scenes" from the movies, simply to reflect our social touch, whilst allowing the serials to promote conceptions that way more awkward and beyond the movies themselves????? During the 80's, a smooch was regarded as something vile to be presented on screen. As a result, the idea was retained, replacing the video with two nudging flowers (usually a sunflower). Come the new millenium, we definitely have opened up, and I believe there's a need to do so. But still, we hold back certain similar aspects and concepts! Well, if that is the case, how come the K serials get the licence to promote pregnancies and abortions as if they were a matter of mere transactions? Or the number of marriages a woman can have? Or even the extra-marital affairs? The fact is, it is shown on TV that these things were unwanted and loathed, based on the situation....but just one simple question, keep showing a kid some porn movie covers, and keep on telling not watch them, they are vile and bad...days in and days out, every single time! Is it not very usual to expect him/her to have ended up enjoying the movie th very next days? It's always the curiosity that works!

Be it tiffs between relatives, preconceived notions about social aspects or simple minor mentalities, all are being moulded into something quite strange! People loathe the cultures like Live-In, Bachelorhood, Spinstership, having children out of wedlock but the vary same, they lap it all up during the prime time hours! Ironical, but this is what has become of the current TV Audiences! Whatever crap they hand out, they just seem to lap it all up! These days, in a serial, if you miss out in between, you may end up tuning to it later on, only to find that so and so lady has now shifted her affair status to so and so person, already having 2-3 kids, pregnant with one....and having left the prior ones with the previous guy! Or maybe same's the case for th guy, in a vice-versa manner! Sometimes, it's like getting an abortion (the sole outcome of premarital sex, as if people as so dumb enough not to take precautions and stuff) is like buying a candy....or getting a divorce, mind you with tearful eyes, is easy, getting a soulmate the very next episode is easier! Ever noticed the fact that sisters of husbands are meant to be the devils, while the newly wedded wife turns out to be the saviour of a family, everytime? Also, how come a guy, with a girls child, has to face so so many if he's runnig the universe and it's going awry and all the shit in the world happens only to him....and a guy with a male child can bloat around all he wants?

I agree that modern serials, the one's springing new in, are more focused towards social issues like child marriages and stuff! It's a thing to be applauded. But don't you agree that even though they start off with intentions so noble, they end up dragging their telecasts into the very same matter, highlighting more the incentives and methods of the attrocities more, rather than on how to curb them out? This is the thing which annoys me the most! I mean...if the censor board can clip off scenes, just to make them worth pictured on Indian Screens, what the hell are they doing about the one's being broadcasted daily? Either you curb them out completely, or influence the people in such a manner that the constant over-rating of self culture, and demeanour of the one's belonging to others be stopped! I think it's not much to ask!

Coming back...the sole intention of giving the article this name is because I am damn sure, people will end up reading to this line and get attracted more due to the title (almost to the tune of 70%)! See what I mean? The lines sound bad...but the idea attracts right? So are we any different from the one's sitting in USA/UK/Australia? Think it out! If yes, comments! If no, then should we discuss out the episodes and storyline of the title in the discussions box? ;) ;) :D

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