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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Friendship Day.....the Distance Factor

For the past four years.....this eventful day - Frinedship Day, had always been one of those special cluster of hours during the year! Numerous text messages being relayed here and there, with some opting for gifts and cards! Others consorting to hangout places and joints, while a few made some ambitious plans for celebrations! However, for us....namely for our group at college, it had always been a day, where the smiles (upon seeing each other) would be more radiant....a few plans and most importantly, all this topped with a lot of "masti" and "khilli"! Whatever had been the scenario back then, the day was always special.....always eventful....always full of joy!

Now....coming back to reality, this is my first friendship day after having seperated from my beloved buddies at Kolkata. At this point, I guess it is rightful to mention that my childhood has covered a lot of places. As such, I have a few, notable school friends with whom I am still in touch, but if you ask me the most notable ones in my would the ones from my University! As, where in the past years, would have been spent planning on things and stuff....this time, I was on my own! Not that I didn't have any option! But it's just that I chose to! After a week long service at Office, especially with the voluntary project at RnD, weekends seem more of a space to sleep than to chill out! :D But today, I had some strange feelings run around within me....forcing me to smile at times, and sometimes, it also did amaze me!

The thing is....till this day, it was always that my friends served as a source of energy for me! Whenever they're with me....the energy levels soar within me, creating an aura of agility in me! Whether a holiday, or a plain simple evening at home....plans were always in the making! But the mentality was similar to the one where one ends up thinking that this person/thing is always there with me....for me! It's not that I had taken any of them for granted (I mean God...the one's I fought with...they know!), but it was this relief that they're a mere auto's distance away....or a simple local call away! But today.....all this has changed! The local factor has upgraded to STD. The feeling is now not of relief...but of a sense of purity arising from the memories that we shared!

Today I won't say that I will always be there for my friends.....simply because I don't have to utter the words to make them feel so! Today, I won't end up calling them and saying that yes you idiot....I miss you like hell, for the fact that they know that I miss them dearly! Its just that I feel more connected to them these days....maybe not on a daily basis or face to face aspect...but from a mental approach....kinda telepathic! For the entire day today, I was at my accommodation....thinking about the times we had spent together.....about the "khorakhs' we mused and generated....about the events, fights and reapproaches! I ended up seeing all the videos and pictures on my laptop....solely to re-realize their value in my life!

During the changes that most of us experienced in the past few months....I have made a few good friends as well. For them, it's like a new journey with me! I am exploring them, as they are with me. I feel for them as well.....and with this, I would say that I do care....maybe not as much as their college buddies too.....but hey, I didn;t get that much of a time, right? ;)

But whatever be the thing, the scenario...the effect, I believe that with this friendship day....we are entering a world more practical, mature and humane! Now it's solely up to us. We can choose to keep on holding the ropes, or to simply let them go! It may sound easy, but trust me it's tough....but then again, what's the fun in doing the easy things in life right?

This is me....wishing everyone a happy friendship day! For those of us scattered around.....just keep the flame alive, the feeling grows stronger! For the ones still there.....just hang on guys! You all are too special to me to be forgotten even for a second! :) :)


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