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Monday, October 26, 2009

What's in a NAME??

Every one's quite well-versed with this famous quote by William Shakespeare, so I guess there's no need in highlighting the historical background of this verse. Well, getting straight to the point, at that time, this stood out to be a magnanimous hit amongst the theatre crowds. The audiences loved it, cherished it and most importantly used it. But down the ages....only the usage has been constant, irrespective of the fact that the meaning of usage has been distorted to the maximum.

"What's in a Name?". Very very true! We all know that to judge a person, we have to look deep into their personality, highlighting both their positivities as well as their negativities and then...after looking into their educational and professional traits, we must use our own conscience and logic to save a file in our minds regarding our views on that person. To be proper and dignified men and women, we must all do this. And it's also true, by the universal law of nature, that the world too performs the same procedure when it comes to us. But what the hell? I mean does anybody really have the time to go through all this? Bunk it man! Just, see who the dude's dad is? What's the family bank balance? What is his social status as per the governmental classification levels? Just a glance! Give him what he deserves!! Moral : "What's in a Name?" Guess what? Now, it is Everything!!!!

Well...lets start with heavier topics. Take, say, education. Well...the 45% reservations for the ...uuummm....(you know which group of people I am talking about), is a sarcasm to generality. I mean, we...being the common masses...have to literally...BOW...before them. They have reserved seats...reserved day, they may even have reserved, first class toilets in the universities!! The fact that even after getting lucrative score cards from the professors with the least input levels, they flunk in the examinations is of no bother. But they must replace other deserving students! Why? C'on man....they are t-h-e backward masses (even though they are now superior to us in all senses). Take, say, product brands. Buy a jeans from the footpath.....hardly Rs.100 (even that is an escalating price to be paid for). Buy a jeans with a branded belt-tag...from an AC Showroom....minimum Rs. 1500...starting rates! Simplicity, eh? Take, say, qualification degrees! A person with a simple MA in hand, but with exceptional qualities like communications, marketing or PR skills rejected at an interview (even after having impresses the officials). Why? Not a Name-Fame University degree! But an MBA, with poor skills as compared to the first applicant gets passed immediately! Why? Hell man...he's got an MBA! Who needs the MA? And what does it matter if the other skills are not even comparable? Leave it! A bit controversial, with the perceptional view-point...but logically and practically..a bit insane, isn't it?

Well, I guess I am running out of examples but I hope you get the point! The Name's the Game, baby! You got a bright name beside you, or backing you, the world's at your feet! You do not have so, sorry....don't even dream of success!

This is the hypocrisy of the modern society where a person is judged or manipulated by names and not by worth! I mean, just give it a thought! The names' that carry considerable weight these days too were once a kitten in a jungle! Have you ever wondered why they grew up to be surviving Tigers? The problem lies here!! No one actually bothers to think upon this aspect and react accordingly. Too much waste of time! But if thought for the long run, it is actually not a waste of time. The simple answer to their success profiles is that they fought for their own names!

The backward masses fought with the government for reservations, the company brands fought with their business tactics for market dominance, the universities fought amongst themselves by promoting quality education and tough curriculum's, and so on goes the list! Basic is that if you want a piece of fame added to your name, you have to strive to carve out that little, initial niche! People back out at the first step because they think that the achievement is not so profitable. It is not so initially. But later one, the niche deepens...automatically and then begins the stride towards glory!

All in all....Shakespeare was right! "What's in a Name?". It is we who are wrong. We took it to be a metaphor, but it was actually an irony : "What's in a Name? Everything!"

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