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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Fluctuating Decisions!

Are you a chain smoker? Are you like a person who spends a large proportion of his money on cigarette packets and puffs? Are you also that person who loathes this addiction every single day, taking an oath to drive it out of your life, almost on a daily basis? Are you that person who, after so many decisions to quit smoking and pressures from the environment around you, unable to do so? Well, glad to have found you buddy!!!!! You are just like me then! :D :D

Ever had that mixed feeling of waking up to decide you are gonna quit the butt, but that very same evening, you end up puffing almost a packet? Believe me its bad! I mean, not exactly bad, but the feeling too is very mixed. So mixed, that you can't figure out whether its good or bad, but since the whole concept of smoking is bad, I'll take it to be bad!

Today, I was a bit down with fever. Its gone now, but the ache in the throat still remains, rendering me a bit "gloomy". During the day, I tried smoking a cigarette but it felt awful. I decided "It's high time! I will quit it permanently today!". In the afternoon, my mom accompanied me to the Doctor. But this guy and his antics was what really pissed me off! My mom usually complains about my habit to every person she can, and likewise did the same in front of this guy! Now after the check up, he takes us to his lounge for a cup of tea! And what do I see the first thing I enter the room? A large overflowing ashtray and a pack of cigarettes beside it. This guy lights up one, smokes while he sips away his tea and admits to being a chain smoker himself! So far so good, but next comes the hilarious part! He RECOMMENDS me to quit the butt, why? Because guys like him were fooled by this addiction back then, and he wants us to stay away from it!!!! I mean, here I was, looking at another chain smoker, advising another chain smoker to quit the butt! I do not challenge his competency, or his personal comments, but the least he could have done is to at least make me believe that he's not one of us! Maybe, I could have followed his advice a bit more rigidly! Now you tell me, can I ever take that guy seriously in my life?????

I just have one question! I know that at the end of the day, we are on the wrong side, and must hastily move towards the non-smoking life, but if these kind of things happen to you now and then, can you even think about quitting seriously???? I mean, I don't know about you guys, but my experiences have all been so much so similar to this incident! This includes my own dad, my elder bro! Man, I don't know if this is truly my bad luck, but how the hell am I supposed to make someone my idol towards quitting the butt? Some days later, that guy too turns up to be a smoker!!

I guess the best way is to really fork the idea out of your head, and not depend on some inspiration. But isn't having an inspiration far more effective? This is why I am really stuck up! So people, any suggestions, always welcome. Read and suggest, I'll just be back after a light! :D :P :D

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