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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Monday Jitters...

Jittery as ever, the same feeling arouses every night,
Not to mention...a Sunday night
When you realise that tomorrow's the day when the week kicks off, the schedule sets in,
All in all, you've to get out of bed at dawn, only to go and fight!

I wouldn't say that I'm lethargic,
Neither am I, to the concept of waking at dawn, allergic!
But the fact is, after two days to utter rest and freedom....
But simply to go to bed early and then wake up early....well, the feeling's very acidic!

It's not simple the waking part that makes me jitter...
It's not the concept of working that urges me to falter,
But the plain motive to have to miss the late night movie the day before,
That makes me go a bit mad...feeling caged as though in a shutter!

But yes, I do have to admit,
Come the pay day...the mood's very hyper-active!
But knowing that very day is still at least 4 weeks before it arrives,
Tomorrow, like any other non-pay-day Monday, plays with similar tactic!

As the hours pass by, as the clock steers...
Every second now, till midnight, is as pure as chilled beer!
Even though my aims are met, my deadlines achieved,
Come tomorrow 6, the brain will start to shear!

Monday Jitters....
Ignorant about in the school days...
Having laughed at it in "College Ways"...
But now, getting to have a first hand shot at it....feeling's like life's completely at bay!
"It's a thing we all get used to", as some would say,
Hating others would may,
But I guess the irony is someting else, something behind the stack of hay...
In a desert, has anyone ever ended up enjoying Scorching Rays??
For me, minus the pay-day ones, all the Mondays!

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