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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fluctuating Moods!

At the inception of a year,
The earth looks a bit pale from the cold...with the spring ready to smear!
As time floats forward, with the dawn of sunlight quite near...
People start to enjoy and cheer.
But slowly and steadily, the smile fades into a glimpse of fear...
Solely regarding the hotter days yet to come...a phenomenon quite mere!

During the summers, people relent the heat.
They pray for the monsoons to arrive soon, hoping that the scorch they'll cheat!
And thus God answers them all...
Sending dark clouds and making the liquid relief fall...
But soon the mood changes quite swiftly,
It's the very relief they start to loath...which once they longed for so timidly!

Next follows prayers...hoping the clouds will stop and go!
Thus come the onset of autumn, making the monsoon seem our foe!
The heat comes back, the clouds scatter...
The sky seems fresh...ready for yet another makeover!
And thus sets in the winter days...
Promising a long dry spell of relief, "cold and dry" are the words it says!

But pretty soon, with the year end...
People get fed up of the cold, and seem to bend!
With rolling eyes, from the cold to heat,
They then want the sun to come back and make a feat!
And then again starts the very vicious loop,
Of the upcoming seasons, and man's ever-swinging mood!

We say that we are scorched,
We say that we are parched...
Some say we are drenched,
While others say we are iced!
But God looks down, and says just one line....
"My children, you are none, but simply that your minds have been torched!"!

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